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S-0-0530, Clamping torque does not seem to work as intended

S-0-0530, Clamping torque does not seem to work as intended

New Contributor

We are comissioning a machine that is using C1300 and C0600.

According to the manual the torques should be limited by this parameter when C1300 and C0600 is active:


But it isn't:


As you can se in the picture above, C1300 is active, S530 has the value of 25% but the actual torque is 40.1

Using firmware 03V12


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Community Moderator

Please provide parameter file in format "all parameters". It might be that due to other settings like standstill (S-0-0124) and positioning window S-0-0057 or S-0-0261) the positive stop command is not acknowledged correctly.

Any news here or can this topic be closed?

Hello Uwe,

I only have a backup parameters avaiable.

But as you see in the parameter group; the torque feedback (40.1%) is higher then the clamping torque (25.0%), and C1300 is active.

And in IndraWorks the Effective peak torque limit is 40% and not 25.0% as expected with C1300 active.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

As said we need the parameters in format "all parameters", otherwise development cannot really have a look into this issue. Please provide this information!

I tested with a Cs drive on the office, but it works with MPB20V28


The problem is that the customer are changing S92 from the PLC now so they dont see the problem anymore.

And i dont have cables to test it with a ctrlX drive.



Established Member


I saved a .par file with all parameters (we were doing the testing with "Ax25_PickAxisY"). I also saved an oscilloscope trace of one of the drive controlled homing that shows the issue. It looks like it is using S-0-0530 as the limit, and when the torque feedback exceeds the clamping force the axis reference is set. After the reference is set it continues to move using S-0-0092. I think the solution would be to keep using S-0-0530 as the torque limit until the "Position at reference point" move is done.

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Community Moderator

As far as I see it the procedure works as intended:
- homing takes place to get to fixed stop (restricted to clamping torque)
- reference point is set, at same time torque limit is set back to normal value (no longer the clamping torque is valid)
- position to reference point taking offset into account takes place --> in here you might set the offset or the reference point different

See evaluations in attachment.

Established Member

S-0-0530.0.0 Clamping torque can't be select in mater communication :


why - is it me who has misunderstood the use of the S-530?

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

This is a different topic.

The topic in before was that the homing procedure was using the method going over fixed stop. During the move to fixed stop it was/is using the clamping torque (S-0-0530) but after acknowledging the fixed stop it once again uses the full torque parameterized (no longer the restricted one set in S-00530). This is normal and the intended function.

This new question, to add S-0-0530 to the cyclic telegram especially for PROFINET communication, is new and is a new request we will follow.



Please be aware: Instead of using the cyclic telegram to write the parameter S-0-0530 you can write this parameter (S-0-0530) as well in the acyclic channel (PROFINET read/write record).

If you need the parameter S-0-0530 really in the cyclic telegram please address to your technical contact at Bosch Rexroth to get this requirement prioritized.
