I am a little confused because in your code you are using functions, that does not exist. Did you write your own function blocks from the motion functions?
It would also be easier for us if you would have sent us the complete project or appData, not only this program snippets.
It could happen that you are simply missing the ramp values. So for me there are some open questions:
What are your set axis and kinematic limits?
What are your set kinematic units?
In your code the command MC_AddAxisToGroup is missing for all axes. So they will not be part of the kinematic interpolation.
The minimum time between the dots in the trace is limited by the task it gets called in, in my case 10ms.
My measurement with your unchanged command values (vel=200,acc=dec=1000,jrk=100000) increased limits and standard units. There I miss the ramping up because of the high acceleration 1000m/s2:
EDIT: My measurement with your unchanged command values (vel=200,acc=dec=1000,jrk=100000) increased limits and changed units:
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