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3D stp file conversion to 2D dxf files - instructions

3D stp file conversion to 2D dxf files - instructions

New Contributor

Many of the Rexroth CAD files that are available are only available as 3D .stp files that cannot be used in 2D CAD packages, such as AutoCAD. This makes panel layout design difficult for 2D CAD programs as the dimensions must be created manually from manual information.

FreeCAD is an open-source 3D CAD package and has the ability to convert views of 3D .stp CAD files to 2D .dxf files.  

The process isn't exactly a one-click process so I created some instructions, see the attached pdf.  I'm not sure how dependent my instructions are on the versions of software that I have, but hopefully this can guide you to create 2D CAD files until the decision is made to make 2D CAD files part of the official, public documentation.

In the mean time, maybe you can use these that I already created, attached in a zip file:

XLL1_1WG401M0G-0210NNNNN-NNNNNN - this is an error, it is actually the XLL1-1NG402M0G-0050 in the drawing.  Same for the 3D .stp file in the Media Directory.  The source 3D file is named for a large product even though the smaller one is in the drawing.





Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Tanks for sharing the information.

New Poster

Thank you for sharing.

For ctrlX AUTOMATION products you can simply download 2D CAD (dxf) files from the ctrlX Configurator. Detailed instructions can be found here:


Long-established Member

Some statements in your posting are not fully correct.

AutoCAD provides 3D functions since introduction of Mechanical Desktop back in 1996. Also importing 3D files and converting it in 2D has been possible in general, we did it here with AutoCAD 20 years ago. It is not correct, that AutoCAD cannot work with 3D or that only 2D was possible, that restriction applies only to AutoCAD LT, which is the (partly free) light version.

DC-AE has also provided both 3D and 2D files of every variant through the CAD service and download website since 2007 and the ctrlX configurator seamlessly continues this, as stated in the comment before. For "non-ctrlX"-products 2D files can still be requested through the CAD service mailbox, while we look for a solution to make these available otherwise.

If there is a corrupt file or a malfunction in ctrlX Configurator then please use the contact button inside to forward the case directly to the Configurator support team.

I have AutoCAD Electrical 2020.  There is an import function to bring in .stp files as a 2D dwg file.  It seems to only bring in one view, for drives, the front view, but not the side view or overhead.  The front view is most useful, but occasionally side views are needed or other views are needed for other components.  The import is very useful and I was not aware of this feature.  Thank you for pointing this out.

I have not had the same experience as you describe with the Configurator.  Some require an email request and the response is quick.  For some email requests, there is no response at all.  I will report this through the Configurator contact button as you describe.

If older product 2D CAD files (IndraDrives, HMIs, etc.) are available for download, please provide a link.  This would be most helpful.  I have not found this and I have asked multiple PM people who have explained that the files in the Media Directory are the only resources available for CAD files and only 3D stp files in this case.  The older website for CAD files, which had 2D and 3D files, has been shut down, pointing users to the Media Directory. Also, can you post/confirm the email address for requesting CAD files?  Is it this one: ?

Long-established Member

The CAD-Service mailbox is still open for customer requests and provides also 2D DXF files upon request. There is currently no public download plattform for 2D DXF files, but people are working on making a solution available.

The ctrlX Configurator engine is highly performant, so if it is responding only with a long delay or not at all, there might be reasons like maintenance mode or still some unexpected bugs. Please report all such issues to the configurator support, so things can be improved on real user input.
