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drive with integrated CORE used for control in existing CORE system and stand-alone system

drive with integrated CORE used for control in existing CORE system and stand-alone system

New Contributor

Hello Reader,

Hope this is the right topic to ask this question. We want to realize an application and I'm looking for a way or solution to realize this.

We have an existing unwinding machine with motion in which a ctrlX CORE runs and controls 2 axes.

Now we want to attach an extra winding machine to the machine to get the cable from the existing machine. The extra machine must be able to run in controlled torque control and thus be controlled by the CORE of the existing machine.

We also want to use the extra machine as a stand-alone machine. For this purpose we use a Drive with integrated core (XCS2-W0023ARN-2AX3T0NNET-S03RSN0NNN0NN).

So the new winding machine should be able to receive commands from the already existing system. But also be able to be disconnected and then work stand-alone via input in the drive.

Is there a function for realizing this or what approach route could I take to realize this?

Kind regards


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Community Moderator

In general you can use different Ethernet based protocols for exchanging data/commands between the two controls.

Easiest way in my opinion is to use an remote data layer connection (see online documentation) and check on both sides if connection is established e.g. with a heartbeat variable. If so data/commands of this interface are used, if not they are running standalone. See also how to "Data exchange between controls C2C – ctrlX Data Layer Remote Connection"

See also the how to collection for other possibilities of data exchange. E.g. "Control to Control Communication (C2C) - Overview".

Some more general communication information see "Communicate between a ctrlX COREvirtual and other applications".

Check this about the different communication options: Control to Control Communication - Overview (

I followed the basic step of the HowTo "Data exchange between controls – ctrlX Data Layer Remote Connection", see attachment. On the control  were I want to read a remote Data Layer I setup the name of the other control user + login data + Ip adress but i wont get teh same result as the HowTo. Is there something missing? 


Two things:

Please check what you are sending in the instruction as you added some additional "<>" to your input.

If you black out your IPv4, what could be used several times around the planet, you should also black out the IPv6 as this (normally) should be quite unique for your device.

I indeed made a mistake with the additional <>. But even without the <> i got the same result. 

So what is your exact current topology? Are the controls connected and in the same subnet? Are the IPs fitting? 

In short are the control even able to reach each other via network?

Both controls are connected to the same network with the same subnet configuration. I also can ping the 'master' controller via the 'slave'. So they are able to reach each other via the network.

Also, alot of the times i try to create a childnode, in the top it tells me 'Childnode succesful created' and than colletion 'remotes' is gone from the datalayer, see attachment.

Are there some options i can try for troubleshooting? 

Toplogy of the controls is as a bus. Both of them are connected to the same network in the same IP range and subnet mask. They can reach each other over the network. Confirmed via ping FB in de PLC application.

When I enable "make errors visable in tree view" I get one error? But seems like al nodes have same kind of error, is this a problem? 

Like you said there is quite nothing to do wrong. I just prepared the topology like used in the how to mentioned above.

I connected to a switch:

  • port XF10 of a ctrlX CORE one using IP (system version 1.20.5)
  • port XF10 of a ctrlX CORE two using IP (system version 1.20.5)
  • and my network port of my PC using IP (Windows 10)

ctrlX CORE web UI - network settingsctrlX CORE web UI - network settings

Afterwards I entered the control as remote device to each other and communication was immediately working:

ctrlX CORE web UI - remote data layer connectionctrlX CORE web UI - remote data layer connection

Without having some information about your setup and corresponding IP settings it is just guessing what could be wrong. Are there more devices using the same IP in your network? Are your controls connected to bigger company network with a bigger network architecture? Which system apps versions are you using on each control? Are you using correct username and password?
