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WebIQ: How do I get out data from recorder manager / trend?

WebIQ: How do I get out data from recorder manager / trend?

New Contributor

I understood that trend variables are configured inside the Recorder Manager and the values are stored inside a sqlite database. How do I get access to the recorded data in case of the WebIQ Server is running on the ctrlX CORE or on a PC? Can I export the data into a csv-File?


Frequent Contributor

You do not have access to the ctrlX file system so you cannot access the database directly.

We are currently evaluating a CSV export functionality as a standard feature of an WebIQ HMI app in the form of a widget.

However, if you require this feature right now we could implement this as a custom feature. If you are interested in this please send me am PM.

Thanks for the fast answer 👍

The realization of the application is planned for the middle of next year. If the feature would be available then, this would be sufficient.

Long-established Member

It will be availabe we are working on it

Kinde regards


Hey! Just following up on this.

You said this widget should be available now. Is this something that comes with WebIQ or is there a seperate download? I am on the latest version and cannot find this feature.

Long-established Member

Hello Team,

I am also looking for the CSV download widget, could you please help how I can install in my HMI setup?

Thank you

Frequent Contributor

You can simply add the UI-Action "trend-export" to a button - this will show a dialog to download trend data in JSON format. You can then convert this to CSV using this free tool:


Long-established Member

Thank you for the reply so i understand that thsi is the only way to get the CSV file! the widget of directly exporting CSV from webIQ is not yet implemented?

Frequent Contributor

Actually JSON data is better structured data than CSV and therefore better suited for using this in automated processes than the very old CSV format. As the tool has been written in JavaScript you should be able to write a custom UI Action that might do the job for you from the HMI.

Out of the box this is not supported by WebIQ.

Long-established Member

Thank you again for the quick answer. Then could you please suggest me a tool which can be easy for the end customer to export the data from the trend as JSON and make a graphical chart available offline?

Frequent Contributor

As mentioned before you can simply add the UI-Action "trend-export" to a button to download the JSON file.

I cannot answer the question related to software as this is outside of the scope of WebIQ.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Here you find a example how to create & download a CSV file, via JS.
