Maybe there is a missunderstanding in the wording. I'm not sure what you talking on.
synchronous display on all screens.
you write screens, in the meaning of multiple devices or clients?
I see 2 options for your wording "synchronous display on all screens". Which option is correct?
When changing the value of a field (e.g. velocity) it should be updated on all devices
When changing the displayed page on device1 from page1 to page2 all other devices/clients should change to page2
recognizing which screen takes control
I miss that feature in all HMI products which I know. It is on my request list for WebIQ. The manufactures always say: It is application specific, but I disagree. You can compare it with alarams. The alarms are application specific, but the mechanism to raise alarms is generic. The locking of HMI content is application specific, bute the mechanism to lock it is generic.
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