This is a known issue and caused by your system language. This will be fixed with WebIQ 2.16. For the time being please follow these instructions: "To configure your app to render UTF-8 text via GDI, go to Windows Settings > Time & language > Language & region > Administrative language settings > Change system locale, and check Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support. Then reboot the PC for the change to take effect." NOTE: These log entries indicate the issue: [2024-09-10 06:56:16.061074] [ fatal | worker-pool] Worker executor has thrown an unhandled nlohmann::json_abi_v3_11_2::detail::type_error exception. [2024-09-10 06:56:16.061074] [ fatal | worker-pool] System stability is compromised. Please report this issue at [2024-09-10 06:56:16.061074] [ fatal | worker-pool] what(): [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 6: 0x72
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