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Facing problem with the system at customer end

Facing problem with the system at customer end

Established Member

Hello All, 

our customer are facing problem with the ctrlX CORE. when they power on the system, in the web interface ethercat devices are in init mode. He need to switch to OP mode manually everytime to get system in OP mode. ctrlX CORE has system image version 2.

can someone help with this problem?

Thank you,






Occasional Contributor

Hard to tell the rootcause. Could it be related to a older config which is not operated after an update of Ecat app?
The startup-behaviour of the ECATM is configured in Ecat-config based on the ctrlX-IO Engineering. I would recomment to skip any trials and rootcause investigation. Delete the ECATconfig. Add the ECM again. Connect with IOEng. Scan and modify to you needs and download the config new. 
I guess that will solve the issue.



Established Member

Hello @CodeWasi

Thank you for your resposne.
We tried it yesterday, 2 times with creating new IO Configuration but still the same problem persist.


Thank you!

Hi @Axay ,

Could you please provide a system report? You could also turn on the debug and trace messages in the diagnostic log to see if there are any warnings related to the Ethercat master.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

On Friday, there was already "parallel processing" via a second channel and an e-mail exchange. This is now being brought together again here. System report and logbook are available internally.


... you should enable and check more EC Master diagnosis’ and try to detect the reason.

Therefore, activate in the ctrlX I/O-Eng. the checkbox “Slaves have to reach the master state”. Download it again. That allows to get more detailed diagnosis’ – and the ECM won’t run in OP-Mode at all, if a Slave is in trouble …


Then, switch the ECM in the ctrlX I/O-Eng. online (“Show online data”) and check and interpret the given diagnosis’, e.g.


Hello, in some cases the PLC can produce such a behavior by doing a lot of requests to the drives while the system is starting up.
You can try to delete the bootapplication from the control and test if the system is starting up after that correct.
If you do requests to the drives you have to wait with this until the system is e.g. in OPERATIONAL

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hello Axay - what is the status, any news?

Nevertheless we have some more hints, if still necessary ... thx to my colleagues!

# Please check and change the ECM setting to Auto or Link Layer Reference clock, instead of Freerun:Thoomas_0-1719933977522.png

# As mentioned before: Activate in the ctrlX I/O-Eng. the checkbox “Slaves have to reach the master state”. Download it again. That allows to get more detailed diagnosis’ – and the ECM won’t run in OP-Mode at all, if a Slave is in trouble …

Then, in the event of the situation, export the EC diagnostics log via IO-Eng in the online state using a right mouse click.Thoomas_1-1719934296283.png

# In addition and what Michael_A mentioned, please activate the traces for the PLC and in the event of the situation create another systemreport and provide the PLC and I/O project. 

# And last but not least - could you think about to update the system from V2.4 to V2.6?!
PS: In the next weeks the new LTS version V2.6.2 will be officially released. Right now the actual early adopter version V2.6.1 is already available in the collaboration room.


Established Member

Hello All, 

Thank you for the detailed response.

in this week, they are on vacation so i can check all the think by next week. 

i will check all the points are mentioned above and then let you know about the status.

in worst cases, we may need to upgrade the ctrlX CORE firmware to the latest release.

Established Member

Hello All, 

I have performed all the step mentioned above but still we are facing the same issue.

Also i deleted the PLC Boot application and then tested it again but still there is a same issue. customer need to do it manually from Init to OP mode.

I have sent the project files and Diag to the @Thoomas via email.

Thanks & Reagards,

