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The low-coding trend is making its way into automation.
No extensive programming knowledge required anymore.
Visual elements are replacing classic code.

With the ctrlX AUTOMATION - IDE app we won the automation app award 2023.

IDE is an abbreviation and stands for Integrated Development Environment. The IDE app provides various development environments (coding, debugging, etc.), which can be used to create program sequences for ctrlX OS.

Currently the IDE app is available in two versions:

Textual Coding represents a web-based development environment (code editor, console, debugging, etc.) with native ctrlX CORE connectivity. It can be used to create Python scripts or edit files in the active solution.

Visual Coding provides a programming framework (code editor, debugger, project management, configuration, etc.) for creating programs based on visual elements, Python and JavaScript. The active editor language can be switched at any time, so that collaborative work is possible.

Textual Coding - Browser based IDE

The IDE app runs directly on the control hardware and is operated via web browser. No development environment on an engineering PC is required.

Textual Coding Browser Based IDETextual Coding Browser Based IDE

Visual Coding - Block View

The advantage of Visual Coding corresponds to the key advantage of Low Code: the fast and agile development of programs. There is no need to write lines of code manually. The programmer does not have to deal with the specifics of the programming language, such as syntax, but intuitively uses predefined program elements, e.g. for variable handling, program loops, control instructions or motion commands. By assembling the building blocks via drag & drop and their parameterization, the program flow is successively created. The actual program code in Python or JavaScript is created automatically in the background.

Visual Coding Block ViewVisual Coding Block View

Visual Coding - Debugging

Visual Coding Debug ModeVisual Coding Debug Mode

Visual Coding - Python View

Visual Coding Python ViewVisual Coding Python View

Latest features in version 0118.37
  • Compatible with base system version 1.20
  • Motion Block Units: Support of units and weighting type of axes and kinematics
  • Motion Blending Scope: The "Blending Scope" block can be used to specify the "blending" strategy for a defined number of commands
  • Persistence Extension: Connection to the ctrlX AUTOMATION - Key Value Database app to persist variables
  • Tools Extension: Timing blocks for runtime measurement and creation of time stamps
  • Server Extension: Ability to host ctrlX Data Layer nodes internally at IDE script runtime


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Hi, I am Karsten and I work as a Product Manager in the ctrlX AUTOMATION software team. Contact me if you want to learn more about our solutions.
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I just linked a new video from our Linear Technology colleagues under "Related Links", in which they demonstrate the benefits of low code programming with the IDE app using the Smart Function Kit for Dispensing as an example.

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As the responsible product manager, I am pleased to announce that the ctrlX AUTOMATION - IDE app has been nominated for the automation app award 2023. This award is presented by the journal elektrotechnikAUTOMATISIERUNG in cooperation with the ZVEI. Take the opportunity to learn more about the app and its application possibilities.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in the creation of the app. Great job!!

Established Member
Hello, Where to find the detailed manaul for "Low motion" command of the visual programming from IDE APP.. I could not find the help details & examples with it. Could you please email me? Thanks

Hi Rathinavel,

you can find API documentation for the Low Motion commands in the motion manual. There is often a Python section for each command which is most equivalent with IDE's low motions commands.

E.g. axis commands can be found  here https://docs.automation.boschrexroth.com/doc/21848820/axis-commands/latest/en/

Kind Regards

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