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saving and restoring of WebIQ projects on ctrlX CORE

saving and restoring of WebIQ projects on ctrlX CORE

Long-established Member

A customer want to use somekind like a setup file in micro SD card to do a setup of new devices (device configuration, plc program, etc.). 

Does WebIQ App support this feature? So after the setup process, the WebIQ Project is loaded and ready to be used.


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Community Moderator

This are 2 different items:

  • ctrlX webUI has a backup/restore function for system data
  • Since WebIQ 2.14 there is a "Runtime Manager" which allows you to upload/download WebIQ projects. There is a link in ctrlX webpage, to start the Runtime Manager.

Moved to own topic from this one.

As far as I know WebIQ is not participating in the configuration management of the ctrlX CORE so the standard mechanism of exchanging the app data cannot be used.

Frequent Contributor

In WebIQ you can import and export projects from both the project list inside WebIQ Designer and the Runtime Manager in the browser.
However, copying the settings (autostart projects etc.) is not currently supported. In any way, you'd still need a different license for a different device.

So currently this kind of setup has to be done manually on ctrlX.

We are preparing a presentation about tool less comissioning for a customer.

The idea is to buy the SD cards with licenses and put an setup file on that. and then boot the core with that memory card, then it will automatically load the setup with all apps and configuration.

Does WebIQ support this now?

Frequent Contributor

I think this has already been answered in the posts before.

But the answer was:

So currently this kind of setup has to be done manually on ctrlX.

And thats almost a year ago. What the status now?

And if its still not implemented, when will it be? And if that's far away how do we automate it, is there a rest api? Can we copy files manually into the app data etc?

Why I'm asking is because one of our big customers are moving from prototype to serial, they are making around 100 machines per year.

And everything else will be possible to comission using a SD card with a app data backup and the licenses mapped on the card instead of on the core.

Except that WebIQ wont work, for the initial comissioning its doeable, but the customer wont be happy. But if the core breaks down in the middle of the night and the end customer needs to get the machine running again, then it's a problem. Do you have a 24/7 support when that happens for instance?


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Community Moderator

This item (project storage in active configuration) is on the feature list for the successor version of WebIQ 2.16, which SmartHMI is currently working on. The first action will be a technical effort assessment.
