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recover project before change?

recover project before change?

Long-established Member

So I was in a rush to test something and ended up deleting a panel that i didn't mean to, and of course i saved before i ralized what I did. However I have not published the project yet so the project running currently has the missing object.

It's easy enough to recreate this object but it made me curious if in the future this happens can we recover the project from the Published side?


Frequent Contributor

There are several ways to undo changes in WebIQ Designer:
1. Click the undo button or press Ctrl + Z - this works as long you did not save the project (i.e. clicked on the disk button in the top bar)
2. Clicking on the save button
3. Closing the HMI without publishing and simply loading it again, this will undo 2. (and 1. implicitly)

So in your case you can simply use #3

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Additionally you can do a "Publish a Copy" to save the current project, that you can:

  • compare it with the old version
  • export any changed things later

Long-established Member

So I did 3. thinking it would do exactly that, but it appears to open the save and not the published. 

Frequent Contributor

Technically that is not possible, I assume you published the saved version once. Loading an HMI always loads the published project into WebIQ Designer workspace. When you close a project in WebIQ Designer the workspace will be unloaded completely and will be empty.

You will also lose any save unless you publish. Please note there's a difference between saving and publishing.

Long-established Member

that is odd, i never told it to publish, just save.   Now, I did then run the simulator, but not the browser preview, that is when i realized my screw up. 

Frequent Contributor

I don't understand "Now, I did then run the simulator, but not the browser preview" - which simulator are you referring to? 

Also, as publishing is a heavy operation that involves sending files over the network instead of just saving locally it is nothing that can happen automatically without you noticing it.
