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WebIQ Radial Gauge on tablet does not show numbers

WebIQ Radial Gauge on tablet does not show numbers

Long-established Member


i'm using WebStation on the HMI. But the numbers are not shown on radial gauge. On the web browser i haven't the problem. Has anyone a solution for this problem?


Frequent Contributor

I can't help you with Webstation, but given the very sparse information provided:
- when using the browser preview you're looking at the HMI as it is currently configured and loaded in WebIQ Designer
- to ensure you're using the same HMI on ctrlX you have to publish it first and transfer it to ctrlX (unless you are already connected directly to ctrlX)

The HMI running is not the same as the HMI loaded in Designer - that's two different things.

I have the same problem. 

See... Re: WebIQ not working in Kiosk mode (

The Dashboard Demo from Live Demos (WebIQ CustomerArea) ( has the same problem.

The Radial Gauge does not work in Kiosk mode on a WR panel. 
