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WebIQ 1000 Tags (ctrlX CORE) license not recognized by WebIQ runtime

WebIQ 1000 Tags (ctrlX CORE) license not recognized by WebIQ runtime

Occasional Contributor

We have a customer who has purchased and installed a 1000-tag WebIQ runtime license.  The license appears in the list of available licenses in the CORE web UI:


However, the WebIQ runtime is apparately failing to recognize this license.  Attempting to start an application results in "an error occurred while trying to start the requested project..."


In addition, the online License Management tool does not indicate the presense of any licenses.


The issue appears to be that a 10-day trial license (which I believe was installed prior to the WebIQ license) expired today.  This notion is supported by the fact that the customer was were able to back-date the CORE to yesterday's date and start the application.  

Does anyone have any suggestions how best to proceed?  As far as I know, it is not possible to delete the 10-day trial license from the device's list of available licenses.  (I have admin rights in the licensing center and tried it.)  The machine is currently being installed at a trade-show in Las Vegas, so the pressure is high to resolve this issue immediately.  Will enabling "temporary usage rights" on the CORE work as a temporary band-aid?

ctrlX CORE X7, 1.20.x firmware.  WebIQ Server App (runtime) 2.14.3



Frequent Contributor

Just pointing out that according to the attached screenshot the correct license seems to have been chosen:
WebIQ ctrlX CORE Server License: SWL-W-XCx-WIQxxRUDx001Kxx-NNNN

Why that one is shown as expired instead of unlimited I don't know - I suggest someone from Bosch Rexroth steps in here.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

@bostroemc After expiration the trial license should not be vissible anymore in the ctrlX CORE license manager. To be sure you can contact our service to remove the test license again to have a "clean" license file.

You can also send me a private message with your contact data and serialnumber of the device so we can check it.

Occasional Contributor

Update:  Today the expired 10-day license is no longer shown in the CORE web UI and WebIQ is correctly recognizing the permanent license.  We are now able to start the WebIQ application.

I suspect that there is a window in which the CORE firmware is evaluating the 10-day license as still valid, while WebIQ is rejecting the license as expired.  Perhaps the fact that the machine's local time is 9 hours removed from CET exacerbated the situation (?).

In any case, thanks for your help and your quick replies.
