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IDE APP integration/call into WebIQ HMI

IDE APP integration/call into WebIQ HMI

Long-established Member

Hello Team, 

does any one, succueed to call or integrate the IDE App into a WebIQ screen ? 

when I try to call it using iFrame object, I have the Rexroth Logo turning, without opening the IDE, (security issue ?), 







Frequent Contributor


I cannot answer your question specifically regarding ctrlX, but regarding such issues in general.

Whenever a website (which everything inside an iFrame widget technically is) wants to prevent other websites from displaying itself inside an iFrame it sets the X-Frame-Options HTTP header ( which a browser then interprets and will not display the corresponding website.

If you open the preview of your WebIQ app and press F12 this will open the developer console.

If you then click on the "Network" tab, reload the page by pressing F5 and then enter the hostname you wish to show inside the iFrame in the input field you can see whether the website you wish to embed prevents it from being embedded:


If this is the case then you unfortunately cannot do anything on your side.

The only solution would be that the website you wish to embed changes (or removes) the header so that embedding is allowed.

This is not a limitation of WebIQ, but a web technology feature.

Sascha Kimmel


Established Member

Is there any news regarding this topic?

Frequent Contributor

Hello ariamalikh,

did you analyze the connection as I have outlined above?
If the reason for the problem is the mentioned header then Bosch Rexroth should be able to help.

From the WebIQ side in that case there would be no issue that can be fixed (browser security model).

Sascha Kimmel

Long-established Member

Hello Sasha, 

it is a browser security model issue, as the IDE App can only be called from ctrlX Works webserver (security already managed), otherwise (without WebIQ), it fails also, 

the question is more for Rexroth Team and how we could manage the security , But thanks for the information provided, It allowed me to validate the issue.


Hello proof92005,

the IDE will not work inside an iframe without writing some additional code. It requires to handle some window messages and also the authentication token of the current user must be available.

Long-established Member

Hello Miraculix, 

any examples of the code to add in order to manage the IDE App into WebIQ ? 


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

See article: WebIQ-Communicate-with-ctrlX-Rest-API 

We are also working an an integrated version of IDE tiger, which allows you configure some stuff.
