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Python SDK Samples Not Working

Python SDK Samples Not Working


So I'm just getting started with the SDK and wanted to go through the snap process to see how it works. However when I install the snaps for the python sample projects none work as intended. They are not showing up on the datalayer. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm currently working on a virtual control X core, and something else I have noticed is that unlike the introduction videos and many of the online examples my dashboard does not contain an automation tab (see attached image). the .yaml files are unchanged except that the base has been switched to a core20. 


Maybe the command address needs to be changed?




If you check your logbook, I'm guessing you'll see a similar message.


You are building these apps on SDK version 2.4 and running them on ctrlX OS version 1.20. There are incompatabilities in the libraries used across these versions. To fix this, you can build the apps on SDK version 1.20, or create a virtual CORE on image 2.4.

See this post for option 1. If you have no preference, I'd suggest creating a new virtual CORE on the latest image.

That's the thing I'm not seeing any log messages regarding the apps, but regardless having the versions match are important I'll try that.

In your logbook settings, try enabling these options.



I can see! That was incredibly helpful thanks, and yes I am seeing those exact messages you mentioned. I would like to use an updated virtual core do you know where I can find the latest image?

@mvial ,

No problem!

Here is an article with instructions on accessing the Collaboration Rooms.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

@mvial As an additional hint, the latest image for the ctrlX COREvirtual is part of the ctrlX WORKS installation. Just create a new one.

@CodeShepherd @Sgilk Ok so I tried making a new virtual core but the only versions I have found availble was the one I was using 1.20 so instead I switched to using the earlier version of the SDK and that seems to work better but looking at the logs, the program seems to be having access issues interacting with the datalayer.




I changed some of the permisions in the datalayer access settings and rebuilt and installed the snap and everything seems to be working now thanks guys!


