Hello, I have been working with the core v1.20 apps and I did the assignment in the motion app mapped variables for the AT and MDT, and I was able to jog the Axes through the commissioning page on the Motion app like normal. I have then created a PLC project and I scanned my EtherCat master, then added the slave drives (which includes the assigned AT and MDT parameters, and gets mapped to an address within the PLC by default). After that I could not use the commissioning app to jog the drives anymore, I understand there is a conflict between the two apps to write/read the same cyclic parameters. My question is, what is the recommended method to use the same parameters (ex: Position commnad/feedback, and Status/Control word) inside the PLC app? To rephrase the question, is there a functionality similar to AxisData in MLC for retrieving common RT/NRT axis data (ex: actual position feedback, Torque, speed, etc.) inside the PLC app? Thanks
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