I'm happy that this solved your issue.
Like I tried to explain in this post: To use the Data Layer in your snap you need the ctrlx-datlayer.deb. This debian package gets published with the SDK on GitHub. And gets downloaded to your Build Envrionment when you download the complete SDK form GitHub (like when you execute the install-sdk.sh). Now you need to include it to your snap with the snapcraft.yaml. And there are two ways to do this. The way you showed and the way we have currently in the SDK. There the snapcraft.yaml files of all sample projects got simplified. But therefore, the storage folder (ctrlx-automation-sdk/deb) of the ctrlx-datalayer debian package in the SDK needs to be registered in the sources list (/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ctrlx-automation.list) so the debian package can be found by snapcraft. But this is already done in the App Build Environment of ctrlX WORKS V1.18.
Best regards,
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