Hi @Josaphat_Aviles
unfortunately this video is a little outdated, but we are currently working on a newer version. This script was used to copy your own public ssh key to the App Build Environment. This is not needed for any function in the SDK, but it makes life easier for you, because you don't have to insert the user and password all the time. In case of Public key authentication you have a private key and a public key (text) file. The public key file is copied to the computer you want to connect to (in our case the App Build Environment), the private key is secret. SSH tools are using you private key during a SSH connection instead of user/password. Here you can learn more on: What is SSH Public Key Authentication?
So if you don't have the script to copy the public key to your App Build Environment you can simply do this by hand. For example like this (you could also use scp commands if you want to):
Check if you got a id_rsa key pair on your windows host. If not, create one. Check if you got this key pair in C:/Users/user/.ssh
If you don't got a key pair create one with "ssh-keygen -t rsa" (don't enter a passphrase)
Copy the public key copie out the whole id_rsa public key
Paste it to the App Build Environment Make a conection to your App Build Environment and paste the public key at /home/boschrexroth/.ssh/authorized_keys
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