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{attribute 'namespace' := '<namespace>'} equivalent

{attribute 'namespace' := '<namespace>'} equivalent

Occasional Contributor

With Indraworks a pragma existed that would define a namespace in the variable declaration. Is there an equivalent for ctrlX?


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Could you a bit more describe, what you like to achieve?

See our online documentation for available attributes.

See also official online documentation of CODESYS.

Occasional Contributor

In indraworks I could have a global variable list and then give variables in the list their own namespace so that in the application I could reference a variable with the namespace. For example NameSpace1.bVariable, NameSpace2.iVariable,... NamespaceXX.varaiblename all from a single list. That does not appear to exist in ctrlX PLC. The image below is from the Indraworks help manual. 



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

When you look at the documenation CoDeSys pragmas you see that this pragma is not provided by CoDeSys anymore. I can't find any explanation from CoDeSys on the net why the pragma was removed. My guess is that it has to do with uniqueness in variable access and security and maybe extended functionality like restricted limitation by special user groups.

While the CoDeSys compiler does not show any hint, when an unknown attribut pragma is found, you do not realize, that the pragma is not available anymore.
