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Motion control for hydraulic drives

Motion control for hydraulic drives

Established Member


Can we use the gantry function in the Motion App to synchronise multiple hydraulic axes (ex: IAC - 4WRPDH)? Also to rephrase the question, is it planned for ctrlX to have something like the MLC for hydraulic drives?



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Please have a look to the "Bosch Rexroth - xF - position force control" and the "Bosch Rexroth - pQ - pressure flow control". I will check if there are further information corresponding to your case.

Occasional Contributor

The 1st hydraulic controller which will be available for the ctrlX-plattform will be the pos/force controller. It will be provided as PLC-lib. The release is planed for end of march 2024, being published in the STORE.
The experience regarding expected performance on ctrlX Core as well as on hydraulic-axis side are restricted right now, since we await the release as well.
You mention the sychronious control of several hydraulic axis. Well, the "Gleichlaufregler'/Sync-Controller" like known from the MLCH controller will not be available by then. I expected there releases afterwards, but the timeline is not predictable so far. 

Depending on the application-requirements it may be worth to check if the hydraulic axis could be coupled with the motion-app provided synchronious features.
As soon as the release is published we will start working with it.

Long-established Member

Hello team,

Is the PLC lib available for control of position/force for hydraulic motion in the core? is this same as H4U app but for xF?

Thank you

Occasional Contributor

Hello Tasty_Tech,
please check your incoming Messages and respond with an email, because h4u provides the pos/force controller for testing under trial-license.
The plc-Lib will be send by the hydr. colleagues. 
Please feel free to demand for p/Q and Synchronization axis as well directly at the h4u team.


New Contributor

One thing to consider is that the HMC should work out of the box with ctrlX MOTION (Its based on a IndraDrive Cs), and that can do all syncronisation and other stuff. And there's no performance limitations in the same way as the PLC based one (ie 10 axis on a X3 will be fine).




