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Error 090F2000, 0C550001

Error 090F2000, 0C550001

Long-established Member

A customer has the attached error every time after resetting the servos (ctrlX DRIVE, HCS01). However, not on every drive but always different (total of 6 axes). The control is the same for each servo. Since there is no reasonable explanation for the error, I am a bit at a loss.

Error: 090F2000, 0C550001


Any idea how to solve it?


New Contributor

That is not really much information. What means resetting the servos? Reboot the drive? In the screenshot the motion reports an error, may be because the device in not available anymore (reboot). Does the drive report any error?
To get more information you can map the diagnostic code in you Axisprofile.
..or record a shot video to understand the problem.

Long-established Member

... Please find attached the diagnostic log containing axis profile information.

Long-established Member

@Michael_A can you give us feedback, if you need more information from us? The problem still exists.

Hello, if you have installed the DCA app, please disable the DCA app and try if the problem still exists.

I have this same error.  What is the "DCA" app?  

The Error shows here in the Axis interface for all drives but does not appear in any drive diagnostic log:


And it shows in the web-interface:


If I use the web-interface, I can clear all errors that show there but the errors still show in the Axis Interface in the PLC.  If I issue a C0500 to the drives via the Axis Interface, (ex: arAxisCtrl_gb[XAxis.AxisNo].Admin.ClearError := TRUE; ), the errors come back on the web-interface as shown above.  

I see no errors in the Ethercat Slave statistics during any of this process:


I cannot get the drive to go to from Ab to AH using the Axis Interface, presumably because of this error.

Let me know what other diagnostic information would be useful.  I'm using the latest 2.6.0 apps and software.




The error "Field device error" means that there is an error on dthe device itself and ´the ctrlX MOTION does not know the error, as no information about it was sent to the control. This is the case for current standard settings. You would have to add the diagnostic to your cyclic data add link it via the axisinterface.

The error could be anyone like STO, DC bus not loaded and so on. Please check the drive state when error is shown.
