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Kiosk mode WebStation won't load WebIQ project

Kiosk mode WebStation won't load WebIQ project

Established Member

I just installed the new WebIQ Server App 2.14.1 but the WebStation doesn't load my project anymore. It is stuck in 'Connecting'

I have updated the project in WebIQ designer to the newer version. and the page does still work on Chromium (version 94.0.4606.109)


Frequent Contributor

Please note that WebIQ requires at least Chrome 78, Firefox72 or another compatible browser to work. 


I have run into this issue as well.

I can understand the requirements from WebIQ.

Why is there hardware sold that cannot support the purpose?

Kiosk mode cannot load a modern HMI. Using a browser is not an option for this project.

The updated RC for the panels does correct this issue.

Established Member

Hi JoshS,

What did you exactly do to update the panel? and to which version did you update?

I was able to get the RC4 update from Rexroth and install it to the panel. I am not sure on the timeline for release to the general public for it. You can try reaching out to Greta directly.

Established Member

Long-established Member

cannot access the link above, ask for a login and never accepts the login.

I need instructions on the update and the files. 

Established Member

I will help you.  

  • Please check first: "settings" > "about tablet" > build date
  • If it is ≥ 20221122 you have nothing to do/ you already have RC4 (newest release).
  • If you do not have this build date and want RC4 please write me an email: or contact STS Peter Budsky. We provide you the new firmeware via ad-hock and the manual steps (Chapter 4): for the update you need your Webpanel, a power supply and an empty USB Stick (for the file we provide).

Established Member

please write me an email. I will provide you the new image files (updated browser) as mentionned above and I guess it is solved then. 
