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Datalayer vs EOE

Datalayer vs EOE

New Poster


I have a question about using the CXA_Datalayer library (DL_ReadNode) to read drive status vs CXA_Ethercatmaster library (IL_EcatSoeRead).

What are the advantages to using the datalayer vs the other method?  Logically, it just seems easier to simply read the parameter I want, using the known ethercat address (say 1001), vs having to build a query message using DL_BrowseNode to get the list of serialnumbers from the Datalayer, and then read the actual status with DL_ReadNode.  I can do all that with IL_Ecat_SoeRead much easier.

Thanks in advance,




New Poster

Hello James,

I would always recomend the libraries and functions provided for your specific use case (in this case CXA_Ethercatmaster.IL_ECATSoeRead). Most of them already have checks, timeouts and examples included in them and are much easier to implement.

However not all Datalayer Nodes have a PLC library or FB´s. For this case you could build your own FB´s using CXA_Datalayer.

(Just to clarify: EoE (EthernetOverEtherCAT) as mentioned in the title has nothing to do with both cases)



I just saw that you want to read the SoE Drive status word (S-0-0135). This is a realtime variable which can be read in realtime through the "DataLayer_Realtime" object of the ctrlX Core in PLC-Engineering. Please take a look at the documentation for more information.
Realtime Data from the EtherCAT bus can be read once the EtherCAT-Master (and the Slaves) are in State "SafeOp" or "Op".



Both CXA_Datalayer and CXA_Ethercatmaster do not access the data in realtime.
