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Automate external storage

Automate external storage

Established Member

Have any of you automate the mounting external storage process?
I would like to configure the CtrlX without computer when it is running, to start detecting what type of SD it is using and detect the size of it, all with C++ and create a condition according to that parameter.
Thanks in advance.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Josaphat_Aviles 

there is a REST API to interact with the storage management of the ctrlX OS. Please have a look into the ctrlX OS Storage API description on GitHub

Another hint: With the help of the developer tools in your Browser (F12) you can also see what API calls the web-ui uses when you click a button in the ui for example. 

Best regards, 



Hello @nickH 
Do you mean that I can program in my SSH an app where I can visualize de name, capacity and fere capacity as picture attached ?
How can I do that, is there an rexroth especific library? Do I have to use nlohman/json, curls, etc? I mean currently I program in ssh with ctrlx works and VS and the build snap and download it to load manually in CtrlxCore.
So.. is posibble create an app to do that?

Hello @nickH 

Just to confirm, it requires create some user to start to use the API?
Other question.. Is neccesary that Ctrlx core is connected to internet or any server?
Is possible to Debugging in App Build Environment with this API?

Hello @nickH  and @Sgilk,
Thank you for your support.. After many attempts I was able to achieve it through commands in the terminal with its IP address, however now the difficult thing is to process it in C++ since I have tried to install Curl libraries, but I find a lot of error that does not find the files, any advice? Where would you start?

Hi @Josaphat_Aviles ,

What you are looking for is a C++ REST client. There are a lot of options here, so it is really user preference. Here is a wrapper for libcurl (restclient-cpp) that looks user friendly. Another option would be to use the libcurl C API directly.

If you are having problems installing libraries into your application, I'd suggest starting a new thread for those questions, since that's a general c++ topic. If you could post the error messages you are seeing, we could help you better.
