SMO position package

How to parameterize SafeMotion (SMO) position package

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In the following we show to you how to properly set the parameters during commissioning of the SafeMotion (SMO) “position package” functions.

Please note that you can find a complete sample parameter sets with all details and as well as an Excel calculation sheet file to accompany you during commissioning for download at the end of the article .


A connection to the ctrlX DRIVE has been successfully established and the device is successfully powered on. The engineering tool ctrlX DRIVE Engineering has been started as well. The commissioning steps for SafeMotion (SMO) have been already executed.
The firmware or runtime version should be at least
- FWA-XD1-AXS-V-0402N-04
- FWA-XD1-AXS-V-0504N-00
- FWA-XD1-AXS-V-0602N-00

Also consider How to commission SafeMotion (SMO) with ctrlX DRIVE.


As initial information the normally used set point values from the control should be known

  • maximum speed
  • maximum acceleration/deceleration
  • maximum jerk

the safe speed used in operation should be clear as well.

In the Excel sheet, used for calculation of the right values, these values have to be entered in the following area (marked blue):

Excel sheet initial parameters to be entered from userExcel sheet initial parameters to be entered from user

After entering these data automatically some suggestion values (marked pink) are shown:

Excel sheet parameters suggested and to be entered from userExcel sheet parameters suggested and to be entered from user

The calculations are made based on the following equations:

  • Standstill window is suggested to be the maximum speed divided by 300.
  • The time for control to react on error or change in operation mode is suggested to be minimum 10 ms but maybe changed by the user to higher values, if the delay time is known for the particular control system.
  • The monitoring decelaration is suggested to be 60% of the maximum acceleration/deceleration.
  • The monitoring F7 decelaration is suggested to be 80% of the maximum acceleration/deceleration.

These values should be entered after re-thinking about the exact constellations of the control cycle time and/or the real mechanical conditions of the machine by the user (marked blue). Means some of the values might be entered differently.

Next to be entered values for non-safety and safety (SMO) parameters (marked blue) are calculated and should be entered accordingly in the menues of ctrlX DRIVE Engineering:

Excel sheet calculated parameters to be entered from userExcel sheet calculated parameters to be entered from user

In the following these different values and menues are explained in detail.

1. Drive Halt and Standstill Settings

The values from Excel (marked blue)

Standstill and Drive Halt settingsStandstill and Drive Halt settings

have to be entered in here:

Settings for Drive Halt and StandstillSettings for Drive Halt and Standstill

As Drive Halt acceleration and jerk limit the initially in Excel entered maximum acceleration/deceleration and jerk is used.

2. Velocity Limit Settings

The value from Excel (marked blue)

Velocity Limit settingsVelocity Limit settings

has to be entered in here:

Settings for Motion limit valuesSettings for Motion limit values

The equation is:

  • 110% of maximum speed.
3. Error reaction drive

The values from Excel (marked blue)

Error reaction drive settingsError reaction drive settings

and additionally the check box settings have to be entered in here:

Settings for Error reaction driveSettings for Error reaction drive

The equations are:

  • Maximum drive OFF delay time is 1,1 times the time needed for deceleration from maximum speed with maximum deceleration (taking into account the additional time needed for build up of acceleration and deceleration via maximum jerk) but minimum 500 ms.
  • Drive Halt acceleration is equal to maximum acceleration/deceleration.
  • Emergency stop deceleration is equal to 1,2 times the maximum acceleration/deceleration.
4. Velocity threshold for safe standstill

The value from Excel (marked blue)

Velocity threshold for safe standstill settingsVelocity threshold for safe standstill settings

has to be entered in here:

Settings for standstill monitoringSettings for standstill monitoring

The equation is:

  • 150% of standstill window.
5. Safe maximum speed

The value from Excel (marked blue)

Safe maximum speed settingsSafe maximum speed settings

and additionally the check box settings have to be entered in here:

Settings for Global monitoring functionsSettings for Global monitoring functions

The equation is:

  • 115% of maximum speed.
6. Safely limited speed

The value from Excel (marked blue)

Safe limited speed settingsSafe limited speed settings

and additionally the check box settings have to be entered in here:

Settings for safe motion 1Settings for safe motion 1

The equation is:

  • 111,1% of safe speed used.

If several safe speeds are used the equation to the differing speeds are exactly the same. Accordingly the settings take place.

7. Change in operating status

The values from Excel (marked blue)

Change in operation status settingsChange in operation status settings

and additionally the check box settings have to be entered in here:

Settings for change in operating statusSettings for change in operating status

Settings for Monitoring of change in operating statusSettings for Monitoring of change in operating status

The equations are based on:

  • Max. transition time (Normal Operation --> SMES/SMSTx) is the time needed for deceleration from maximum speed with monitored SMD deceleration. Taking into account the time needed for jerk limited deceleration and the relevant SMD reaction time entered in Excel.
  • Max. transition time (Normal Operation --> SMMx) is the time needed for deceleration from maximum speed to safely limited speed with monitored SMD deceleration. Taking into account the time needed for jerk limited deceleration and the relevant SMD reaction time entered in Excel.
  • The SMD reaction time (SMMx --> SMES/SMSTx) is the time needed for deceleration from safe limited speed with monitored SMD deceleration. Taking into account the time needed for jerk limited deceleration and the relevant SMD reaction time entered in Excel.
  • Both the oscillation window of SMD and the velocity window of SMD are set to double the value of the safe standstill velocity threshold.
  • The relevant SMD reaction time equals the entered time for the control to react on errors or change in operation mode.
  • The SMD jerk is set equivalent the jerk used in normal operation.
  • The SMD deceleration is set to 60% of the acceleration/deceleration used in normal operation.
8. SafeMotion error reaction

The values from Excel (marked blue)

SafeMotion error reaction settingsSafeMotion error reaction settings

and additionally the check box settings have to be entered in here:

Settings for SafeMotion error reactionSettings for SafeMotion error reaction

The equations are based on:

  • Error reaction F3 tolerance time is the time needed for deceleration from maximum speed with SMD deceleration. Taking into account the time needed for jerk limited deceleration and the relevant SMD-E reaction time.
  • Error reaction F7 tolerance time is the time needed for deceleration from maximum speed with SMD-E deceleration. Taking into account the time needed for jerk limited deceleration and the relevant SMD-E reaction time.
  • Both the SMD-E oscillation velocity window and the SMD-E velocity window are set to double the value of the safe standstill velocity threshold.
  • The relevant SMD reaction time equals the entered time for the control to react on errors or change in operation mode.
  • The SMD deceleration is set to 80% of the acceleration/deceleration used in normal operation.
  • The SMD jerk is set equivalent the jerk used in normal operation.

Finally the proper reaction should be tested and behavior like shown in the following.

Test of switchover from maximum speed to SMES

The behavior should look like this:

Switchover from maximum speed to SMESSwitchover from maximum speed to SMES

In orange the actual deceleration is shown (using the parameterized deceleration of 10000 mm/s2 and the parameterized jerk of 100000 mm/s2), in light blue (same scaling as orange signal) the monitored deceleration (as in here planned to be 6000 mm/s2 the reaction is as foreseen).

Test of F3 Error reaction from maximum speed

The behavior should look like this triggered on F3 error:

F3 error reaction from maximum speedF3 error reaction from maximum speed

In orange the actual deceleration is shown (using the parameterized deceleration of 10000 mm/s2 and the parameterized jerk of 100000 mm/s2 for F3 errors), in light blue (same scaling as orange signal) the monitored deceleration (as in here planned to be 6000 mm/s2 the reaction is as foreseen).

Test of F7 Error reaction from maximum speed

The behavior should look like this triggered on F7 error:

F7 error reaction from maximum speedF7 error reaction from maximum speed

In orange the actual deceleration is shown (using the parameterized deceleration of 12000 mm/s2 and the parameterized jerk of 100000 mm/s2 for F7 errors), in light blue (same scaling as orange signal) the monitored deceleration (as in here planned to be 8000 mm/s2 the reaction is as foreseen).

Using different scaling or unit settings

If one is using a linear axis with different scaling or unit settings or a rotatory axis, other Excel sheet pages (marked green) have been created, which then should be used, see below:

Explanation of Excel slidesExplanation of Excel slides

For details how to enter the data into the menues of ctrlX DRIVE Engineering in these particular cases the Excel pages "...(detail)" have been created (marked blue). Here you see how to enter the data:

Excel sheet detailsExcel sheet details

Further things to observe

Please be aware that if one is using the so called "NC controlled" transition to SMSTx, SMES one needs to switch off the drive enable signal from the control before the maximum transition time is elapsing, see below:

Settings for NC controlled transitionSettings for NC controlled transition

Maximum transition time to switch off drive enableMaximum transition time to switch off drive enable

Note: If using the prepared drive parameter files and if you want to change any parameter a password is required. In here always the password "Safety" is used (enter w/o the ").

Enter passwordEnter password

Mind as well that in the prepared drive parameter files only one dynamized safe input is used for activiation of SMES function. Please adopt it to your use case, if using
- Safe bus communication
- SAFETYlink
- or more safe inputs if using M8 option.

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