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WebIQ Recipe Editor Bug

WebIQ Recipe Editor Bug

New Poster

Hello everyone,

I think there's a bug in the recipe editor. In my case, I have an HMI where the recipe editor is on one page of a swipe-panel. If I activate the recipe editor and then switch the page without cancelling oder applying the changes, I cant use the recipe editor anymore. The recipe list thinks I'm editing a recipe (so I can't select anything) but the recipe editor isn't active. The only way to activate it again is to refresh the page and log into the HMI again.

Is there any way to fix this? Maybe by accessing the correspoding javascript variable?

WebIQ Server Version: 2.15.9

WebIQ Designer Version: 2.15.7

CORE Op System: Ubuntu Core 20


Frequent Contributor

Thank you for reporting this bug. It has been reproduced, recorded as WEBIQ-4347 and will be fixed in the upcoming release 2.16 of WebIQ.
