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Problem with pyusb- libusb backend not found

Problem with pyusb- libusb backend not found

New Poster

I wanted to play around with the pyusb library, but I have the impression that the library is not fully recognized.
I created a node and wanted the node to display a list of the current USB devices.
However, the problem seems to be in the backend
I've already searched the forum and tried a few things, but I still can't get the problem resolved.

Unbenannt.PNG Was looking were the library is

Unbenannt2.PNGHowever he cant find it while snapping

Unbenannt3.PNGHere you can see that the problem is the backend

Screenshot (37).pngHere is my code


Screenshot (38).pngSnapcraft(maybe here is my fault)

Best regards


Occasional Contributor

Which ctrlX CORE model are you using?  I see that you have built an ARM64 snap (typ. for ctrlX CORE X3), but you have hardcoded a path with the x86_64 triplet (typ. for ctrlX CORE X7):

2024-06-10_14h24_15.png  2024-06-10_14h24_45.png

Maybe this mismatch is your problem.  

To avoid hard-coding the target triplet, one nice option is to use sysconfig.get_config_var as shown below.


Thank you it worked 
Im working with ctrlX CORE X3, so probably this caused the missmatch
