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EC_MASTER_TABLE : Invalid State

EC_MASTER_TABLE : Invalid State

New Poster

Hello Guys!

Have anybody any hints regarding the attached error? It stops the PLC and it occurs randomly 2 or 3 times by day, so it is very-very annoying. I don't know whether there is a connection between this two things, but the PLC always drops the license ( PLC license missing ) too. Not directly before the EtherCAT error, but always before that.

Thanks in advance your helps.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Could you point out what "drops license" means? Where do you see that this is happening?

The error text shows that the EtherCat master seems to be in init (or fieldbus communication is down). Which application is showing the message attached?

Please add a system report created after error occured (see how to).

First of all, thanks your quick answer.

Drop license means that the PLC license installed on the ctrlX core is lost after a certain time during the runtime. ( See the attachment!). It happens several times a day, when I switch OFFLINE after an ONLINE monitoring or "Login with online change", and I want to swich ONLINE again. I see this warning in a pop-up window in ctrlX PLC engineering and it also displayed on the webserver. It is not a fatal error, because it does not stop the PLC running and I can monitor the program despite this error. When this issue is present and I "Login with download", the PLC can not swicth to OPERATING mode due to the missing license, therefore a system restart needed.  The system runs Nexeed but this error does not show up on the HMI.

EC_MASTER_TABLE: Invalid state This warning is not display by the HMI. I can only see on the webserver.

Error on configuration ( See the attachment!) This is an additional recurring error.

This two errors take turns to cause PLC stop during automatic machine operation.

Next time I am creating a system report then I will be in touch.

Long-established Member

Have you used EtherCAT to asynchronously read the parameters of the drive?(IL_ECATSoeRead).

No, I have not used it.

Still a system report would be helpful to know which apps and its versions are installed as well as the logbook to see what happens. 

I guess you are using the version 2.4 of the ctrlX PLC Engineering. There is a known error that licenses are not recognized while logging in. I guess by ignoring the message in the engineering the error is also occurring in the ctrlX OS. Please have a look in the corresponding release notes "Bug 757800: ctrlX PLC Engineering: Error message "The download was aborted as the control does not h..."

You find the system report in the attachment ( password: CodeShepherd ). As for the ctrlX PLC Engineering, you guessed right. I will check the release notes. Thanks for the hint.

This error still exists:

Error on configuration - One or more callables are configured, but not available - scheduler

I made a diagnostic log and a system report ( password: sanyi ). I see two missing callables in the diagnostic log ( Missing callables: "fieldbuses-ethercat-master-instances-_ethercatmaster, plc-sched-state"  ). I checked the Scheduler configuration in expanded view and I found both mentioned "callables". There is no "_placeholder" presfix before them. It means for me that they are in active usage by the installed Ethercat master App. So, I don't know why they are not available.

Because I had no any idea, today I deleted both callables, then uninstalled the Ethercat master App, then I reinstalled it. The two callables has been created automatcally in the Scheduler by the system, again . I can only hope this will solve the problem. If not, I don't know what I should do to eliminate this error. Please help me if you have any tips!

Thanks in advance.
