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WebVisu: Screen not responding the commands after a while

WebVisu: Screen not responding the commands after a while

Occasional Contributor


We have carried out a project with a ctrlX Core X3 with Webvisu and PLC and two WR21 RC7, 

In normal conditions the project is working but from time to time (sometimes it is after 4 hours / 8 hours or even a day) we cannot execute commands anymore, we can change between screens and log in and so on but the standard buttons as the Auto / Manual mode are not working anymore and the only way of solving this is to switch off/on the screen or unplugging and plugging again the ethernet cable,

I have checked the tasks and at some point the Visu_task exceeds the configured 200 ms task time. I do not know if this could be the root cause,

Does someone experienced this before?

Thank you,


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Dublicate of "WebVisu: Screen not responding the commands after a while". Further discussion will be done there. Please do not post same question in several forums. 
