In this article we show to you how to connect a Fortress amGard proNet interlock via Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE) with a SAFEX-C1x SAFETY controller.
Topology Overview
General Information
All functions and screen shots are based on:
ctrlX SAFETY Engineering version >=
SAFEX Runtime / Firmware version >=
ctrlX WORKS version >= 1.20.5
Fortress amGard proNet
The Fortress amGard proNet is available with the solenoid controlled by either the safety controller or standard controller. This is depicted in the model number:
“NM” indicates the solenoid is controlled by the standard controller.
“NR” indicates the solenoid is controlled by the safety controller.
In this example a unit with the solenoid controlled by the standard controller was used with the following ESI file:
ESI_Fortress_amGard_proNet 1.xml
Further details including the ESI file are available from Fortress.
A connection to the SAFEX-C1x SAFETY control and ctrlX CORE have been successfully established.
The devices are correctly wired and have been powered on with 24V.
Engineering tools ctrlX SAFETY and ctrlX WORKS have been started.
ctrlX CORE has EtherCAT Master, PLC app and licenses for each app installed.
ctrlX I/O Engineering
Open ctrlX I/O Engineering from ctrlX WORKS:
ctrlX WORKS Engineering Tools
Open Tools\Device Repository:
ctrlX I/O Engineering Device Repository
Click “Install..”:
Device Repository
Select Fortress ESI file, click “Open”:
Device Repository Select ESI File
The Fortress amGard proNet device is added, click “Close”: Device Repository Device Added
If needed repeat the process for SAFEX-C1x ESI file installation.
Select File\New Project:
ctrlX I/O Engineering New Project
Select ctrlX CORE I/O, enter name and location of project then click “OK”: ctrlX I/O Engineering New Project Template Selection
A new project was created, right click on “ethercatmaster (EtherCAT Master)” then “Scan for Devices…”: ctrlX I/O Engineering Scan for Devices
The SAFEX-C12 and amGard proNet are found. Click “Insert all newly scanned devices” then OK: Insert Scanned Devices
The devices are added to the project:
Scanned Devices Added to Project
Expand SAFEX_C12 (SAFEX-C12) then right click on FSoE Connection_1\Plug Device…:
Plug Device
The Fortress interlock requires 4 bytes in/4 bytes out, select this data length then click “Plug Device”:
Plug Device Data Length Selection
The FSoE connection is added to the project:
FSoE Connection Added to Project
This step is required for the module used in this example. It may or may not be required for your module. Expand amGard_proNet (amGard proNet) then right click on Interlock_IO (Deactivated)\Plug Device.:
Add Standard Interlock I/O
Select “Interlock Standard IO then click “Plug Device”:
Interlock Standard I/O Plug Device Selection
The control for the solenoid from the standard I/O has been added:
Standard Interlock I/O Added to Project
Double click on “ethercatmaster (EtherCAT Master)” then “Slave to slave” tab to add the FSoE connections between the SAFEX-C12 SAFETY controller and amGard proNet interlock:
Slave to Slave Data Mapping
First the SAFEX-C12 FSoE outputs to the amGard proNet interlock inputs will be added. On the “Source” side expand SAFEX_C12 [SAFEX-C12]\FSoE_Connection1 [FSoE Master Connection 4 Bytes In/4 Bytes out 0 bye safety parameter 620D] then select 0x1A00 FSoE SafetySlaveMessage 04 Bytes In [88 Bits]:
SAFEX-C1x Source Data Selection
On the “Destination” side expand amGard_proNet [amGard proNet]\Safety_Module [Safety Module] then select 0x1600 RxSPDU [88 bits] then click “Add connection”:
amGard proNet Destination Data Selection
The connection is added to the project:
Slave to Slave Data Mapping Complete
Now the amGard proNet interlock outputs to SAFEX-C12 FSoE inputs will be added. On the “Source” side expand amGard_proNet [amGard proNet]\Safety_Module [Safety Module] then select 0xA00 TxSPDU [88 bits]:
amGard proNet Source Data Selection
On the “Destination” side expand SAFEX_C12 [SAFEX-C12]\FSoE_Connection1 [FSoE Master Connection 4 Bytes In/4 Bytes out 0 bye safety parameter 620D] then select 0x1600 FSoE SafetyMasterMessage 04 Bytes Out [88 Bits] then click “Add connection”:
SAFEX-C1x Destination Data Selection
The connection is added to the project:
Slave to Slave Data Mapping Complete
The I/O configuration is completed and can be downloaded to the CORE. Click on the “Download” icon from the tool bar and ensure the project downloads successfully:
ctrlX I/O Engineering Download
ctrlX PLC Engineering
Open ctrlX PLC Engineering from ctrlX WORKS:
ctrlX WORKS Engineering Tools
Select File\New Project:
ctrlX PLC Engineering New Project
Select ctrlX CORE hardware type, enter name and location of project then click “OK”:
ctrlX PLC Engineering New Project Template Selection
A new project was created, right click on “DataLayer_Realtime\Select realtime data\Selectively from ctrlX CORE…”:
Read I/O Configuration Data from CORE
Use the pull-down menu to Select Source: Control ethercat_master_instance_ethercatmaster, check the boxes for all devices then click “Applies all currently selected control data to the PLC project.” Click close:
Source Selection
The SAFEX-C12 and amGard proNet interlock devices are added to the PLC project:
I/O Devices Added to PLC Project
Here is an overview of the Fortress amGard proNet I/O from the documentation. Please see the Fortress website for the latest documentation and additional information:
Fortress amGard proNet I/O
The following PLC program was created only as a functional example for demonstration purposes of the communications. It is not written to meet any specific PL or SIL rating nor any specific risk assessment. Programming methods must be used to meet your specific application requirements:
PLC I/O Variables Declaration and Program
PLC I/O Variables Declaration and Program Online
ctrlX SAFETY Engineering
Open ctrlX SAFETY Engineering then select “Slave Device Editor” from the Main Menu:
ctrlX SAFETY Engineering Slave Device Editor
Click “Import Slave Device” icon:
Slave Device Import
Select Fortress ESI file, click “Open”:
ESI File Selection
Click amGard proNet checkbox, click “Import”:
Fortress amGard proNet ESI File Import
Click “OK” to close the Slave Device Editor and finish the import process:
Close Slave Device Editor
Library Loading
If needed expand Master\ctrlX SAFETY in the Library window then drag and drop the control type you have in the workspace area:
SAFEX-C1x Selection
In this case a SAFEX-C12 has been added:
SAFEX-C1x Added to Project
Expand Slave Device\Fortress Interlocks\Network Interlocks then drag and drop an amGard proNet to the workspace area:
Fortress amGard proNet added to project
In the properties window for the amGard proNet select the Profile type using the pulldown menu:
Fortress amGard proNet Profile Selection
The Slave Address must match the address on the unit set with the DIP switches. Please see the Fortress website for the latest documentation and additional information on setting the FSoE Slave Address:
Fortress amGard proNet Slave Address
For this example the DIP switches were set to Slave Address 1.
The Connection ID must match the Connection ID used in ctrlX I/O Engineering. In this example the Connection ID used was 1.
The ECat Address must match the address assigned by the EtherCAT master in ctrlX I/O Engineering. In this example the ECat Address assigned was 1002. These values will be used in the properties along with changing the Name:
Fortress amGard proNet Properties
The Safety Module profile was added to the configuration and can now be used in the Functional Scheme:
Fortress amGard proNet Profile Function Block
Since the module used for this example is configured to use the standard controller for control of the solenoid. Programming can be added to monitor the bits. The following ctrlX SAFETY program was created only as a functional example for demonstration purposes of the communications. It is not written to meet any specific PL or SIL rating nor any specific risk assessment. Programming methods must be used to meet your specific application requirements:
Fortress amGard proNet Profile Function Block Online
ctrlX Example Projects
The following example projects are included in the SAFEX-C1x - Fortress Example available for download below:
ctrlX I/O Engineering
ctrlX PLC Engineering
ctrlX SAFETY Engineering
Additional Resources
How-to All about ctrlX AUTOMATION
Quick Start Guide ctrlX CORE
Quick Start Guide Licensing
Create safety PLC project with ctrlX SAFETY Engineering
Set up a ctrlX CORE and PLC Programming
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