Hi, I'am using this topichttps://developer.community.boschrexroth.com/t5/Store-and-How-to/HowTo-display-content-in-a-table/ba-p/70702 to create my own table based on structure from the PLC. How modify tableGenerators.js which will be allow cell data edition? Now script insert row and create a child 'td' with data assigning. // create data rows
for (let iRow = iRowFirst; iRow <= iRowLast; iRow++) {
myRow = addChild(myTable, "tr")
for (let iCol = 0; iCol < arCols.length; iCol++) {
let sItem = `${sStructItem}${sFS1}${iRow}${sFS2}${arCols[iCol]}`
if (typeof (oData[sItem]) === "number") {
addChild(myRow, "td", "", oData[sItem].toFixed(0 + arDigits[iCol]))
} else {
addChild(myRow, "td", "", shmi.localize(oData[sItem]))
} I am going to insert Standard Input Field Widget into 'td', but I can't find any example how to use visuals widget at local scripts.
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