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Possibility to save / keep window layout in PLC Engineering?

Possibility to save / keep window layout in PLC Engineering?

New Contributor


is it possible that ctrlX PLC Engineering keeps / saves the window layouts?

Each time when going online/offline/starting software, views/windows are changing, closed, other opened,  really annoying. Each time you have to select your needed views and place them as you like. And this gaming if going online, offline, starting software,....

This issue is since ctrlX Works v2.4.1

Does someone know a possibility to save/load a layout? Never found an option for this.

And because I use WebVisu, if the property window for visu elements is closed, I haven't found a way to reopen it till now. Just with "reset layout".

It would be kind if someone can give me a hint


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

In general CODESYS and so ctrlX PLC Engineering has two different views. One is in offline mode and one is on online mode and both are setup individually. These are automatically switching, to give the programmer the possibility to see all useful windows for on one side programming and the other side debugging.

For resetting the view just click on "Window --> Reset Window Layout". Like mentioned also in this post. Or see general description in the online documentation.

I will check for import and export possibilities.


Hello there🤗

There is not currently a built in feature to save and load window setups in ctrlX PLC engineering. The layout is reset each time the app is restarted either online or offline. In the case of webvisu; you might have used reset layout in order to reopen the property window if it is closed. For any potential solutions features that might address this; make sure to check for updates in touch with support.
