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Cannot connect Virtual Core to internet

Cannot connect Virtual Core to internet


I had a question regarding how to connect the virtual core to the internet because I have been trying to do this for a few days but it keeps giving me a timed out error in node red. I need the internet to install specific palettes such as the influx pallete that contains the influx nodes. I was following the instructions shown in the following link:

I was using the proxy settings and the px tool (proxy tool) mentioned and followed the instructions in the link and it still doesn't work. The screenshots of the error I get in node-red and of my proxy settings are attached. In node red I am just trying to get the timestamp from the website to test that it is connected to the internet. I have also checked that the IP address for my virtual control is the same as the one entered in the proxy settings shown below. 
If you have any other methods or links, that would be very helpful. Thank you. 


Can you please let me know which of the following applies to your virtual core?

  1. Port forwarding mode and PC is in home network (open internet)
    • No proxy or special settings needed. The control emulation will directly connect to your PCs network and internet (NAT) when booted up.

  2. Port forwarding mode and PC is behind corporate proxy (company network)
    • A proxy tool is needed. See below.

  3. Port forwarding mode and PC is using VPN
    • A proxy tool is needed. See below.

  4. Network adapter mode and PC is connected to home network (open internet)
    • A proxy tool is needed with corresponding IP settings. See below.

Depending on your set up, the required configuration will be different.

If you are able, connect your PC to a home network, disconnect from VPN, and place the virtual control in port forwarding mode (#1). You should have internet access at that point without the use of a proxy. This is the easiest method.


Sorry for the late reply.

I was trying to make it work using method number 4 which is the 'Network adapter mode and PC is connected to home network (open internet)'.

I also tried doing the solution you gave which was to connect my PC to home network and port forward but it didn't work. The error it gave me is attached below which was; "RequestError: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN". Do I have to connect my PC to my router through ethernet to make it work or is a normal wifi connection enough.

Thanks for your time and help. 

@Chai_Student ,

Wifi connection should be fine. Let's focus on method #1 for now.

Once you placed the control in port forwarding mode and on your home network, did you remove the proxy configuration on the control? I recieve a different error in Node-RED with the proxy enabled.

Are you using a VPN?

If you still recieve this error after disconnecting from VPN and disabling proxy in the control, could you please post an image of your virtual control network interface configuration?

Yes, I have removed my proxy configuration although it was in the disabled state and there is no vpn connection. I still get the EAI_AGAIN error in node -red. I have attached the images of the network interface configs.

Are you sure your Virtual Control is configured to Port Forwarding mode in ctrlX WORKS?

Can you please make sure this is the case and then try enabling DHCP for your ipv4 settings on the eth0 interface?

With a static IP of, it may be that your router is on a different subnet.

Probably we should arrange an online meeting to clarify things and check why the instructions in the how to did not help. Please send me a private message with your contact data so we can have a look together to your system.

It's solved!! I am able to connect to internet and was able to install the necessary palettes in node-red. The problem was that in my ctrlX WORKS like you said, port forwarding mode was not enabled, it was in the network adapter mode. This meant that even if i enabled port forwarding on my virtual control it would not connect. I did not know you had to or could even do that in the ctrlX WORKS as it is my first time working with CtrlX. Thanks a lot for the help. Life saver, was trying to get this working for a week. I attached image of the node-red working and where I had to go in the ctrlX WORKS to solve the issue.
