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Backward and forward compatibility of apps

Backward and forward compatibility of apps

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  •             Backward and forward compatibility – how is this handled with Rexroth apps,  company specific apps,  and third party apps.  
    • Since there are multiple programming languages involved, and with each software having their own update cycle (ie Codesys,  Python, Java,  Linux,  etc)  how do we guarantee compatibility with the Linux based operating system.

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Community Moderator

Hi! Very good question! Since all apps are based on the snap container format, they contain all depencies of librarys within the app container. The system keeps 2 versions so you can do a rollback in case a new version is not working.

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Community Moderator

Every app have his own functionality and communicate externally with a defined interface.

For the Rexroth / company specific apps it’s our target to minimize any interface changes.

In the beginning (prototype phase) it might be necessary to make modification at this interfaces. But as soon we reach the release state we hope to avoid this. Means all apps we provide (functional and system apps) should work together also with different version.

The behavior of third party apps is not in our hand. But I hope the compatibility in every developer mind.
