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X3 Version2.4 failed to communicate using Codesys V3 label communication

X3 Version2.4 failed to communicate using Codesys V3 label communication

New Poster


I have some trouble about X3 2.4 using Codesys V3 label communication to communicate with HMI. When I tried using this codesys function to establish communication between X3 and HMI, the TCP communication was established, however there were no data between X3 and HMI. My symbol configuration was shown below: 


As I could not using X3 to communicate with HMI by V3 label communication, I tried another PLC called AM522 to make a comparation. However, AM522 could communicate with HMI through V3 label communication. So I tried using wireshark to catch TCP packages about X3 and AM522. Here's my data (left was AM522, right was X3):

1. The type of packets of X3 and AM522 is the same. In both cases, HMI first sends a confirmation frame and then sends a data frame with confirmation, and then the controller returns a data frame with confirmation


2. X3 The headers of these TCP packets are the same as those of AM522


3. The length of the data part of the TCP packet X3 is much lower than that of AM522, and the data is all 0. Currently, it is suspected that the label does not take effect when X3 establishes communication with HMI, and HMI does not send the label data


Since the same program AM522 can establish communication but X3 cannot, may I ask whether X3 does not support this communication method to modify the global variables in the plc program? If no, is there a problem with my method of operation?

Many thanks for you help



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Did you already check the topic "How to use ctrlX CORE to communicate to 3rd party HMI via Codesys V3 protocol?"? As similar question is discussed there.

Also topic "communicate to 3rd party HMI via Codesys V3 protocol in ctrX PLC >=1.20" could be interesting for you.
