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Set up a ctrlX PLC project to publish variables to the ctrlX Data Layer

Set up a ctrlX PLC project to publish variables to the ctrlX Data Layer


⚠️ Moved from how-to area by admin  ⚠️

I am using a virtual core with ctrlX Works v1.20.10.

I installed the PLC application onto the virtual core, and followed the steps shown here.

The odd thing I have seen is that I don't have the option of adding "Symbol Configuration" in the program tree:



When I go to look into the datalayer I see this:


I figure this is because I do not have a Symbol configured to have the data be moved into the Datalayer.

I have tried adding: "{attribute 'symbol' := 'readwrite'}" into the GVL, but this hasn't changed anything. I have also added the "Link always" into the GVL and Program which also showed no change.

Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.



New Contributor

It looks like you're online when trying to add the Symbol Configuration, then its not avaiable.

The attribute stuff does nothing if there's no symbol configuration.

Also when i create a new project, in this case in 1.20.8 i do get the symbol configuration as default:



It is the same if I'm online or not it is like the symbol configuration doesn't exist.

This is a fresh project:



It reacts the same if I create a GVL as well:



I am wondering if it is a versioning issue because I am sure the tutorial was not made on this version.

It will be hard for me to downgrade to check this because my work computer is pretty locked down with Threatlocker.

Could you please do a repair installation of the ctrlX WORKS? Or if this does not help uninstall and install it again.

The how to is created with a older version of the ctrlX OS apps but the mechanism is still the same.

Thank you! The software version is different than what I have installed. (v1.20.12 now)


The new version follows a slightly different sequence so I recommend updating the documentation.

See that the Symbol Configuration is not an option for the "Add Object" menu item.


But following step "7a" will work, just step "4" is a bit inaccurate now.

Thanks again!



As mentioned from @AndreasL the symbol configuration is, like also visible on your last screenshot, already part of the project and cannot be added a second time. So that's why it is not available. 

I reworked the how to slightly and hope that it is clearer now.

I see what you were saying now, it won't pop up on that menu if it is already in the project.

Fewer steps than before is always good!
