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S20-CNT-INC-2/2 Errors when running IH_S20CntIncType02 function block

S20-CNT-INC-2/2 Errors when running IH_S20CntIncType02 function block


Hi all I'm having some difficulties using the IH_S20CntIncType02 fucntion block. I am using a CTRLX core with an S20 bus coupler and the S20-CNT-INC-2/2 in the first slot. When the PLC is executing the function block is returning the error: INPUT_INVALID_ERROR, however I'm not sure why it is returning that. There is some information in the ErrorIdent array but it's in hexidecmail forma and I'm not sure where the reference information is to decode it. Here is a screen shot of a portion of the funciton call and the error Ident info any help is appreciated





The problem was that when setting the encoder as a rotary type, the default limit 1 and limit 2 values must be adjusted to be below the modulo value. Other wise an error occurs. Addtionally symmetrical and assymetrical refer to the number of inputs per encoder channel (A,B)  so a symmetrical encoder is a differential type with two physical cable lines per channel vs an assymetrical encoder that may only have one line per channel.
