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Backup of remanent/retain data?

Backup of remanent/retain data?



I have a machine running at a customer where I have - of course - some data I always have to know and I put in the remanent memory. Normally that is all good, but I'm not sure what happened, but we had some kind of PLC crash and all the data was lost 😞 
Lucky for me, most parameters I wrote down in an excel file and we can recover from there. But how can I actually save those data of my ctrlx? 

If I may "switch PLCs": If I use Beckhoff/Twincat, I know where in the PLC-folder I can find the file that is used to save the data. I can take that file, copy it on my PC/network/cloud/... and if really something happens I just copy it back! 

Is there something like that for the ctrlx? 

There is a "full" backup/restore function directly on the ctrlx core. But I'm not sure what exactly it saves. Would remanant data be included there? Then I could go that direction. Even if it is the "whole thing". A backup "just" of the remanent memory would be nicer!

Any ideas or links to how-tos? Didn't find anything, but maybe I missed something!

Thanks in advance!


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Community Moderator

See general information about Backup/Restore​in our online docunemtation. There is already mentioned, what is inside while creating the backup itself:

ctrlX CORE web UI - Backup 1.20ctrlX CORE web UI - Backup 1.20

See general information about Setup​in our online docunemtation. There is already mentioned and you can choose, what is inside while creating the Setup itself. The chooseability will increase in the coming versions:

ctrlX CORE web UI - Create setup 1.20ctrlX CORE web UI - Create setup 1.20

Your PLC retain data are stored in a file (<name of application>.ret) in the active configuration (appdata) and will be saved and restored with it:

ctrlX CORE web UI - PLC retain datactrlX CORE web UI - PLC retain data

Another method would be to use the recipe management tool of the PLC runtime. See online documentation.
