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access to SD card via FTP client

access to SD card via FTP client

Established Member


I would like to know if it is possible to access the optionnal SD card plugged plugged on the ctrlXCore.

My intendtion is to Read/Write file from a FTP client  


thank you 


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

In general the SSH and so the SFTP connection to the ctrlX CORE is closed because of security. To use this you need to request a special user from us that will make your control to an unsafe device. See this topic for further information.

A connection to the storage of the ctrlX CORE is possible via WebDav but only in the solution storage of the control. I will add a request to our R&D to get also access to the SD card via this mechanism.

Established Member


How about using FTP TCP port 21 on the core, we should still be able to use this for file transfer, is this correct? If so, my understanding this will put/get files on the SD card. Otherwise, how would function blocks like IL_FTPPutAsync from the CXA_Socketcomm library work.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Unencrypted communication like standard FTP is not possible at all from outside of the control.

As the PLC is already internal part of the ctrlX CORE it has access to the file system of the PLC app it self and the app data (solution storage) also without encryption.

The mentioned libraries, or other installed apps and so on, can open "insecure" ports for other communication. But this then in your responsibility.

Any update on when access to mounted SD / USB drives will be avaiable via WebDav?

This requirement is at the moment in our backlog. I am afraid I cannot tell you a date for it but will again try to get one.


Is there any news about SD access via WebDAV? I have a customer who is logging data to .csv on SD. He can get the file by moving the SD from CORE to PC but he wants to login to the CORE to get the file.

Best regards,


At the moment I cannot give you any news.

Can you send me your projects and customers that are in need of this feature as a private message? Then I can argue to increase the priority of it.
