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Node-Red Write file in Windows directory

Node-Red Write file in Windows directory

Long-established Member


A customer is making an IoT application with CtrlX and Node Red and needs to write a CSV file to a Windows shared drive. To do this he has downloaded the SMB palette which allows him to do this with a username and password.

The problem is that it crashes, stays in the process state and the Node Red crashes (CtrlX2). The same has been tested in another shared directory but in a pc with Linux and it works.
I am doing tests and the same configuration on a computer with Windows and Node Red (CtrlX1-Windows1) work to another computer with Windows and the shared folder (Windows2). With the same configuration in the palette in CtrlX is blocked (CtrlX3).

Any idea why this is happening? Is anything else needed from the Logs?

Do you know another way to write CtrlX IoT files to a Windows computer?

Thanks in advance.


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

As this palette is not from Boschrexroth we can hardly support you. See this thread where a similar topic was discussed.

I do not know if the system time needs to fit to the windows PC. Please set it and try again.
