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S20-SGI-2 Tare, Zero Point and Adjustment

S20-SGI-2 Tare, Zero Point and Adjustment

Occasional Contributor

In the documentation for the S20-SGI-2 Module the out process data for Tare, Zero Point and Adjusment are listed but the explanation is unclear. 


Further in the document, a description is given on how to set up the device using the PDI channel but it is unclear if this method can also be accomplished by the bits of the same name. See the example below


The question is 

1) Must I use the PDI channel to intiaite the Zero-point, tare and adjustment or can these be accomplished with the output control word and

2) what is the difference between the "tare" and finding the "zero-point?" 



Occasional Contributor

Answer to your question

1) Must I use the PDI channel to initiate the Zero-point, tare and adjustment or can these be accomplished with the output control word and

--> Everything works with the Control Word, this is the common and preferred way. The PDI objects are for checking.

2) what is the difference between the "tare" and finding the "zero-point?"

--> Tare is what you do with your scale in your kitchen when you cook or bake. And you like to measure the ingredients separately without removing the existing.
The zero-point is the zero of the scale without any load e.g. to compensate the mechanic.
