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Increasing memory size

Increasing memory size

Occasional Contributor

I have an application that was developed using 1.12. Over time I notice that the core has less and less memory availbale for storage. Originally I had around 1.3Gb and a year later I have 136mb and the applications are starting to have issues. Is there a known mechanism that could cause this? I did notice that the diagnostic log has over 4000 entries. Is that expected?



Hi Alex,

If persistent logging is enabled, this can generate a lot of data over time. See this post for an example.

I’m wondering if the database in the WebIQ application might be the cause? Is there any functionality in place to rollover the data after a certain time period or number of entries?

Also, what other applications are installed on the system?

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Like @Sgilk said, we need some more information what is really installed on the system. You could add a system report to this topic, so we can get a better insight.

There were some problems in the WebIQ app because of error log is increasing over time.

Also installing and uninstalling apps does leave some hidden data on the flash drive.

Occasional Contributor

@Sgilk, I checked the databaseand the size was relatively small (~20mb). The entire webIQ app is ~200mb.

@CodeShepherd, unfortunately the system becomes unresponsive in this case and a system report is not possible. The system is using WEBIQ VRS2.12, I can send you the applicaiton if it is helpful along with a backup that we made before the problem occured, not a system report though. Is what other information would be helpful?  

Please see official changelog of WebIQ via external link "Changelog - HMI System WebIQ (Designer & Runtime)". We recommend to to use the latest available version (currently 2.15.13), as there were know memory leaks in this older versions. See "Smart HMI - WebIQ Server" in the ctrlX STORE.

To check what exactly is filling the storage you will need to have a root user and check the file system via SSH connection. See "SSH to the core disabled" how to get access.

Occasional Contributor

@CodeShepherd, what should I look for once I get root access? 

I would scan the WebIQ related directories for file size and see if any of them look bloated.

sudo du -h --max-depth=1

This will output directory and file sizes from your working directory.

I'd check in the /var/snap and /snap directories.
