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Condition detected that triggered a safe machine state

Condition detected that triggered a safe machine state


Hi everyone,

Now i have this error after everytime restart. So may i know is the hardware or is the software issue?


Current system image is v1.20 




Hi Kelvin,

as you can see from the description text, there is an exception (probably at startup) which leads to a restart of the Automation Core app.

To get more information about the exception, you can have a look in the Data Layer node /framework/exceptions/* or if not available generate a ctrlX CORE system report which you can find in the question mark symbol in the right upper corner of the control webpage.

If you have problems to analyze the exception log, do not hesitate to post it here.

Best regards,


Hi @DanielV,

Thanks for the reply but in the Data layer node/ framework from there i can't see any exceptions.

Then for the ctrlX CORE system report how it's work ?  To create a system report then save on my laptop or will feedback to the forum? 




Yes, the Data Layer node /framework/exceptions/* might not be available if the "safe mode" is active which is the case for your problem.

When you created a system report and saved it on your laptop, have a look inside the zip file. There should be at least one "rexroth-automationcore.ctrlxex.log" file in "<date>\logs\rexroth-automationcore\". In this file you can find further information about the exception.

If you can't interpret this file, please post either the file or better the whole system report to the forum so we can have a look at it.
