
ctrlX DRIVE Simulation Model for iPhysics

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Our configurable drive simulation model for iPhysics enables the near-real-time testing of over 90 different ctrlX DRIVE hardware variants and several hundred motor variants from the Bosch Rexroth portfolio.

Based on the individual, real firmware of our various ctrlX DRIVE, almost all cyclical data is available to a PLC in the form of parameters and commands. When calculating the dynamics, the following is considered: the electrical properties of the drive controller, including the control loops/control loop parameterization, the mechanical properties of the motor and the load conditions. Even the timely behavior of any included power supply (e.g. XCS) is taken into account from the PLC's point of view.

This enables users to evaluate and optimize the performance, efficiency, and stability of the drive system under the most realistic conditions possible. The simulation model can then even be parameterized like a real drive system via ctrlX DRIVE Engineering. As the parameter export files of the simulation are the same as in a real ctrlX DRIVE, findings can be seamlessly rolled out into and brought in from the real world.

Simulation environments become handy all along the value chain. When lucky, a tool like iPhysics can answer questions every step along the way and the running simulation models allow a smart transition into the real world.Simulation environments become handy all along the value chain. When lucky, a tool like iPhysics can answer questions every step along the way and the running simulation models allow a smart transition into the real world.

Use Cases: Machine Simulation & Process Simulation

The application of simulation models within a simulation environment like iPhysics is used, for example, to simulate an entire machine or plant. In addition to the electric drives, the corresponding mechanics, kinematics and other peripheral components are also simulated. The input and output data (I/O) of the different simulation models are connected in the simulation tool. For example, a mechanical component driven by an electric drive can be modeled by means of a drive, mechanics, and kinematics model in such a way that a light barrier, which is also implemented in the simulation, is triggered by the kinematics model and the simulated light barrier signal is fed back to the controller to control further machine processes.

Some exemplary use cases for drive simulation in iPhysics. There are in principle many other conceivable ways of using the drive simulation models.Some exemplary use cases for drive simulation in iPhysics. There are in principle many other conceivable ways of using the drive simulation models.

iPhysics also allows the connection of a real PLC to commandeer the simulated system. Check out our How-to to connect a ctrlX OS control to iPhysics: Here, we fully go virtual and connect a ctrlX COREvirtual to an iPhysics simulation project, including the mapping of I/O signals.

  • Reduced commissioning and programming times and costs by using digital twins for virtual commissioning and other use cases like performance optimization or trainings.
  • Reproduction of the communication, sequence behavior and the control loop as a part of simulation environments for complete machines and plants.
  • Flexible usage for different kinds of simulation and simulation architectures (Real-time and Non-real-time, HiL, SiL).
  • Realistic working mode using ctrlX DRIVE Engineering to configure the simulated drivetrain. Export your optimized parametrization for a seamless final commission or use the import to diagnose an existing machine.

Check out the toolchain iPhysics from our ctrlX World Partner machineering GmbH.Check out the toolchain iPhysics from our ctrlX World Partner machineering GmbH.

  • Support of the simulation environment iPhysics 3.4+
    • Multiple instances of the model are executable
    • Using a comTCP connection
  • Coverage of the functional scope of ctrlX DRIVE firmware AXS-0316 (no Safe Motion) for:
    • XMS2, XCS2
    • XMD2, XCD2
    • XVE2, XVR2
  • Command functionality (extract):
    • S-0-0099 Reset class 1 diagnostics
    • S-0-0139 Parking axis
    • S-0-0148 Drive controlled homing
    • S-0-0149 Positive stop drive
    • S-0-0420 Activate configuration mode
    • S-0-0422 Activate parametrization mode
    • S-0-0262 Load defaults
    • S-0-0447 Set absolute position
    • P-0-0524 Commutation offset
    • P-0-0542 Release brake
    • P-0-0543 Apply brake
    • Optional: further commands
  • All operating modes of the drive with typical cyclic data and mode transitions.
  • Configuration of the hardware (control/power section, motor) via configuration files (generatable from ctrlX DRIVE Engineering).
  • Application parameterization via parameter file (*.par generatable from ctrlX DRIVE Engineering).
  • Persistence of application parameterization.
  • Coupling of ctrlX DRIVE Engineering with the model: The drive mode parameters can be edited by the engineering tool with its complete dialogs. In addition, there are dialogs for the configuration of the simulation model (control/power section, motor type).
  • Selected peripheral signals (e.g. torque setpoint, actual position value) can be used.
  • Integrated simple mechanical models within the simulation model incl. configuration via P-parameters.

The license includes the simulation model for the combination of electrical drives and motors from Bosch Rexroth. It is a rental license with an annual fee.

    • Simulation environment machineering – iPhysics (version 3.4+).
    • ctrlX DRIVE Engineering
      • to provide the actual simulation server of the simulation models
      • to create configuration files (*.par)
      • to diagnose the simulated drives

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time:

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machineering and iPhysics are registered trademarks of machineering GmbHSee for further copyright information.

Hi, I am Sonja, the product manager for simulation and digital twin products in ctrlX AUTOMATION. Contact me anytime to learn more about our solutions!
Editorial work by: KatjaX
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