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Web IQ freezes upon creating new variables

Web IQ freezes upon creating new variables

Established Member


I am having trouble adding/removing variables from the Process Data Manager. 3 out out 5 times when I click on 'Update Items', the system stucks while 'Generating items' and I have to shut web IQ and restart the core to restore the connection. This started to happen after I created a Recorder and Trend variables, although it is still happening even after I deleted them, so not sure if they are what causing the problem.

Any ideas why would this happen and how to solve it?



Established Member

Found the issue, some variables were removed/altered from the PLC but their corresponding tags still existed on WebIQ, and understandably it did not like this when updating items. I had to delete all the variables and reload them again from the browser tab.

So I now understand that we have to manually maintain the PLC variable list to match the WebIQ taglist.
