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Incorrect time on the HMI image

Incorrect time on the HMI image

Long-established Member

I have the problem that the wrong time is displayed on the HMI. If the HMI is called up via a browser on the computer, then the time is right. The computer is connected to the ctrlX and the link is called from the controller. However, if the same link is called on a "ctrlX HMI (WR2115.1)" panel, the time is not correct. Instead of 9:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. is displayed. The system time in ctrlX is also correct and shows 09:00. Changing the time in the Android system is not a solution.


Frequent Contributor

Which item are you using for the time?
And did you tick the "Is UTC" time checkbox if the time reflects UTC time?

How are you displaying time? Using the Date/TIme widget?

Long-established Member

I'm using the date/time widget.

I'm using an item with folowing information:
Alias: Systemzeit ; PLC Identifier: Systemzeit; Data Source: Internal
Function: time; Type: int64

In the images you can see my setting on the ctrlx and webIQ.

Frequent Contributor

You have set the timezone on your ctrlX to Europe/Berlin which is why it's currently displayed in CEST (which is UTC+02:00). The time on your ctrlX is of course both 07:00 UTC as well as 09:00 CEST as it's just a display in any way - these times mean the same currently (as we're in DST in Germany).

If you tick the "Is UTC Time" checkbox in the Date/Time widget, it will always display the time in UTC (that is then currently for your system -02:00 compared to the time displayed on your ctrlX).

If you do not tick that box it will always use the browser (=browser OS) timezone. If that is set to UTC it would display 07:00, if it is set to Europe/Berlin it would display 09:00 currently (CEST).

This all depends on the browser only when it comes to converting the time in the widget. It always uses the time from the WebIQ Server host system - in that case your ctrlX. However, it always converts the time to the browser timezone when the box is unchecked and displays it as UTC when it's checked.

To be able to help you please specify exactly how your systems are configured:
1. Full URL of the HMI on the ctrlX you are using in the browser
2. Timezone of the ctrlX (-> Europe/Berlin) ✔️
3. Timezone of the operating system you are opening the URL in 1. on

4. Full URL used for the WR panel
5. Timezone on the ctrlX (->Europe/Berlin) ✔️
6. Timezone of the WR21 panel

Also:  did you publish the HMI to the ctrlX or are you maybe comparing the unpublished HMI on the ctrlX with the running published HMI which maybe does not yet have the checkbox checked?
