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Delay on loading data

Delay on loading data

Established Member

I built a page in which there are both TEXT widgets and LABEL wodgets.

The TEXT widgets were linked to an ITEM via the <% = items [0] .value%>, while the LABEL widgets were linked to the ITEMs directly.

When I open the page for a moment the data is not displayed, then everything works regularly.

I am attaching a video to help you understand the problem better.
In the page, the left table is made with TEXT, while the left table with LABEL.

Do you have any tips to limit the problem?


Long-established Member

when you switch to the page, the data is subscribed via OPC-UA, there is then a small delay until the data is available and displayed.
A workaround: Create a data recorder for these variables and set the recording interval to e.g. 99999999. Then the data will be subscribed at the start of the application, and when you then switch to the page it should be much faster.
For the upcoming version 2.14 we are planning a feature that gives process variables the property "Load on start", i.e. they are subscribed to when the application is started. The workaround with the data recorder will then no longer be necessary.
I hope that helps you,
Many greetings
