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go example from SDK 1.4.2 can't be installed

go example from SDK 1.4.2 can't be installed

New Contributor

I opend the go example from the SDK 1.4.2 and I built the snap (ARM and AMD). But I'm not able to install the snap on virtual and real core. I always get the following error message:

Internal server error (500) Operation failed (Code: 500)! Message: cannot install snap file: snap is unusable due to bad permissions; contact developer, Kind:


P.S. CheckBox "Allow installation from unknown source" is active


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

In this version there is an unknwon problem if you build your snap with the UbuntuVM. We are still investigantng this. 

If you use the WSL for builing it will work.

You're absolutely right, with the WSL installation it works successfull. I hope this will work within the release 11.20 and a VM with Linux Ubuntu too 😊 . Greetings.

Hello, I faced the same issue using SDK 1.8.0 - RM 3.21 and ctrlX WORKS 1.8.3. After getting this error I tried to install the snap on the same VM I used to build it. The installation was not succesfull and I got the same message in the terminal. Running


jounralctl -u snapd


I got 


container.go:177: in snap "hello-webserver": "." should be world-readable and executable, and isn't: drwxrwx---
container.go:201: in snap "hello-webserver": "meta/gui/icon.png" should be world-readable, and isn't: -rwxrwx---


After playing alittle bit with the permission, I think all you need to change is


chmod 774 snap/icons/icon.png
chmod 775 www

