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Snapping on ROS2 SDK

Snapping on ROS2 SDK

New Poster

Hello Community,

i am currently working ctrlX Works Version 2.4.1. I have installed the Automation SDK with the installation script and copied the ROS2-SDK into my Build Environment. While snapping the samples in the ROS2-SDK, all the samples except ros2-base-humble-deb have failed.

The Error after simple-listener-cpp for example is the following:

Priming wrapper-scripts
+ snapcraftctl prime
Failed to generate snap metadata: The specified command 'usr/bin/run-listener' defined in the app 'listener' is not executable.

The other samples fail at the prime stage as well with the 'run' command not being executable.

Should I be changing something in the wrapper-scripts or apps within snapcraft.yaml file?

Should I have done something differently while installing? Since the base sample worked, I don't think the installation is wrong.

Thank you very much in advance.



Hello @OeztasOzan ,

It sounds like your app commands are targeting non-executable scripts. If you make them executable before snapping your application, that should correct this error at least.

chmod +x "script path"

Keep in mind the ROS2-SDK isn't inherently integrated with ours and there may be some configuration required.

Hello @Sgilk,

thank you very much for your reply. I had tried making those scripts executable with the chmod command, but unfortunately that did not solve my problem.

I will try it again after another clean installation. If the ROS2-SDK is not fully integrated, I will just experiment with a few things then.

Thank you very much for the help.


@OeztasOzan Are you recieving the same error message?

Make sure you make the source scripts executable and not the ones copied into the app during the snapping process. If you could post your snapcraft.yaml, I could point you in the right direction.
