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Hello World: Where is the console?

Hello World: Where is the console?

New Poster


I am trying the examples from SDK 1.6.1 on the 1.6.0 WORKS release. The first example is "Hello World". It should give a message on the console. I am running on a CORE virtual, but cannot find the console. I switched in the virtual control process window, but did not het a resonse there. Any clues? It would be nice to say "Hello" to the world.



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Please see the help of the example for a description how to see the response in the diagnostic: com.boschrexroth.sdk.control-1.6.1/public/site/samples/

If you want to get the output in a console you have to connect via SSH and then run the executable of your app from there.

Thanks for your reply. I did read the documentation, but the phrase "Check output in the web interface""  was too short for me.

Eventually I got my "Hello World" with the following steps. As I said, I am on a Virtual CORE. I could not figure out how to ssh to it. So I used the QEMU command box, which I could enable by switching on Virtual Control Emulation in the settings menu of ctrlX WORKS. I logged in in the QEMU command box and  moved to /snap/helloworld/current and executed HelloWorld. And there my output was!!

I hope this also helps other new SDK users. Making the documentation a little more descriptive would also be helpful.

What about the picture in the README/documentation? are some information missing that we should add?


For information about the SSH connection please have a look to this thread.

New Poster

My dialog looks somewhat different, so maybe I am using another (newer) version of WORKS than the documentation:


On my Virtual Core, I could not connect via SSH. This was not an authorisation issue. I just could not establish a connection to the virtual machine. I found out in the Rexroth internal documentation that SSH access to Virtual core is through port 8022. So with  ssh localhost -l boschrexroth -p 8022 I get SSH access. Still, the output does not appear in the Logbook, but in my ssh-shell. I can live with that for now. 😊

